uh, hello? are you there?

You know how in your early twenties you gave your phone number to a cute guy and then jumped every time the phone rang for the next few weeks, hoping it was going to be him?  And after not hearing from him for about three months, you gave up… and then were shocked and ridiculously thrilled when he called one day – out of the blue – like six months later?  And he acted like there hadn’t been this huge gap in time that you kinda wanted an explanation for?  And before you knew it, you totally forgot that you spent a few months trying to convince yourself that he was all wrong for you anyway and agreed to go out with him?  Remember that?

Yeah, I’m totally doing that with my blog… Time just kept getting away from me and then enough time passed that it just felt awkward and forced… and I almost just deleted it so I would stop feeling guilty, but then I’d think that maybe it could work out.  And now, finally, I’m picking up the phone…

So can we pretend that I haven’t been mostly absent for nearly a year?  Because I’d really like to get to know you again… Wow, I’d forgotten how blue your eyes are.  And your hair – you’ve changed your hair!

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5 Responses to uh, hello? are you there?

  1. Linda Elliott says:

    Glad you’re back….missed you.


  2. Geoff and Erica Logan says:

    And glad you are! 🙂 I’ve had similar thoughts about my blog. But I’m still in the “giving up” stage.

  3. Heather says:

    This just cracked me up! Thank you – my day was in desperate need –

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